Every day, men from every walk of life look into ways to make their penis bigger. For some, they want to have more girth while others focus on the length. It’s a problem men have dealt with for generations and one which the male enhancement industry strives to resolve. Many companies do what they can to offer men informative articles and general information about penis enlargement as well as details on specific products. Nevertheless, chances are there are some fundamental things about the penis extender most men don’t know. Here we’ve rounded up the top 5 facts that could help you determine if a penis extender is right for you.
The Penis Extender Is Not a New Development
The male enhancement industry seems, to some, to be a fairly modern invention. In fact, the first penis enlargement device that was marketed commercially arrived in 1917. The invention – a vacuum pump to increase girth – swept the world by storm and men from all over immediately seized the opportunity to finally do something to change the shape of their penis. Since then, other devices have come along and now there are a number of options men can choose from depending on the results they hope to get.
There’s a Science to How These Devices Work
Although the style, shapes and sizes of extenders and enlargers have changed over the years, the science behind the way they work hasn’t. Basically, the science behind any extender works on gently pulling the penis into a longer shape by using gradual pressure over time. Pumps to increase size use principles of vacuum pressure to increase blood flow. These scientific foundations have been used for every successful enlargement device on the market and researchers continue to find new and better ways to put these age old principles to work.
Penis Extenders Need to be Worn Daily
Because extenders work by applying gradual pressure over time, that means using them requires a commitment of time on your part. Typically, the device must be worn for a set amount of time once or twice a day. Some users find when they wear the device for an hours or so twice a day they have the best results, but some devices don’t require as much time. Be sure you understand exactly how long you will need to use the device each day before choosing one.
Not All Penis Extenders Are the Same
Although each penis extender uses the same scientific method to achieve results, that doesn’t mean they are all the same. Some extenders achieve little or nothing in terms of visible results and this is down to how the device is engineered. That’s why it’s so important to look for reviews through several sources online. Checking for positive reviews will help, but also read negative reviews closely to determine if the complaint is about the effectiveness of the device itself or could be down to user error. Devices which require a significantly longer wear time may receive negative reviews from customers unwilling or unable to wear them as long as they were meant to. Compare results and complaints in order to find the best device for your needs.
A Penis Extender Can Only Do So Much
At the end of the day, a penis extender can really only do so much. Although results vary widely, the general rule of thumb is that even a top-notch extender will give you around 3 extra inches, though some users do report an increase of 4 to 5 inches over time. But this all takes a serious commitment of time and discipline when it comes to using the device regularly. Before you start to think a penis extender can solve all your problems, be sure you understand how they work and what you’ll need to do in order to achieve real results.
Understanding these fundamental facts can help you decide if an extender or enlargement device is really what you need. These details can also help if you decide to shop around for a device so that you’ll know you’re getting value for money. Before you begin working with any sort of physical therapy device, be sure you understand the risks and follow the directions exactly.