Buying a penis enlargement device isn’t always a straight-forward process. Since the male enhancement industry has grown so much over the past few years, there are now more products available from a wider variety of companies. As a result, many men find that shopping around for an enlargement device or male enhancement supplements means relying more and more heavily on user reviews. When reading male enhancement and penis enlargement reviews, it’s important to remember that the way products are reviewed has changed dramatically. In order to get the most out of the reviews you read, there are a few things to keep in mind.
The Evolution of Penis Enlargement Reviews
As with any product, enlargement devices used to ask for reviews from past customers in order to help bolster their own sales copy as well as to find out how customers felt about the device. Even a review that points out design flaws or criticizes a certain product can be of great use to the company as it gives them insight on how they can improve their product. That’s why honest penis enlargement reviews are so important to both customers and companies. Before the internet, it was difficult for men to find places where these types of male enhancement products were reviewed as they were considered such a taboo topic. But, over the past decade or so, reviews have popped up on a variety of websites and are now pretty common. The proliferation of reviews, however, has led some companies to the less than scrupulous practice of staging fake reviews in order to promote their products. How can you spot a fake review quickly? It’s fairly easy. Since these reviews aren’t written by people who have used or even seen the products in question and since the reviewers are also writers paid very little, there are a few red flags that typically jump out immediately:
- Poor grammar and spelling
- Writing that sounds like spam
- Mentioning the full product name over and over
- Using the same word or phrase over and over (This is called Keyword Stuffing)
- No details about how the product works
- No negative comments at all
These red flags typically denote a review that has been written only to help sell a product and should be disregarded.
Real Reviews and Real Results
Male enhancement products are like a lot of other self improvement products – results may vary. Those three little words are typically on any sort of sales copy and along the bottom the website or in the fine print of the literature included with your product. So when you see reviews that boast amazing results, that doesn’t always mean it will perform the same way for you – but what can you expect from products such as penis extenders?
Since sexual enhancement devices have become increasingly popular, researchers have begun to pay more attention to how these devices work and how well they produce results. Penis extenders that use traction in order to lengthen the penis have received a lot of attention over the past few years and study after study has confirmed what millions of men have already learned – results ARE possible. Even in a clinical setting, however, results can still vary and some studies have reported growth of around 1 inch while others have had better results. Customers themselves have also joined the debate and it’s not difficult to find posts from men who put up measurements and photos in order to track their successful progress. What affects the results these men achieve? Their starting measurements, how long they wear the device, the tension settings they use and the product itself to name a few. But finding a product that has both good reviews and is used in professional or amateur trials is a good way to boost your chances of success.
When you’re ready to invest in any kind of personal improvement product, shopping around is always a good idea. Reading up on penis enlargement reviews can help you find the right product for what you need and can also help you avoid products and companies that don’t offer the service and quality you want. As you read through penis enlargement reviews be sure to be realistic about the results you can achieve and avoid reviews that are nothing more than sales copy. Being a smart shopper will help you make your investment more worthwhile.