The landscape of healthcare has been changing for some time. One of the biggest developments has been an increase in how people take control of their own healthcare, including better education about nutrition, supplements and how healthy lifestyle changes can effectively treat a host of chronic illnesses. This new attitude toward personal responsibility with health has also crossed over to the area of sexual health – a topic once considered too taboo to discuss but which is now the subject of headlines and articles in newspapers and magazines across the country. Although women have been comfortable discussing sexual issues for decades, the road for men to open up about their sexual health has been a bit slower. One industry has taken the reigns and spear headed a movement to change all that.
Male Enhancement and The New Sexual Revolution
The male enhancement industry has long been associated with products such as the penis extender, herbal supplements and other sexual performance products. While this has traditionally kept them somewhat in the shadows, their new approach to catering to customers has finally begun to shed some light on various problems men have usually simply dealt with on their own. A big part of this new approach comes from the fact that several clinical research teams have begun to turn their attention to certain products, most notably the traction penis extender.
Although studies of various sexual health products have happened from time to time, in 2009 one team made headlines around the world when they released findings that traction extenders helped to increase flaccid length by up to 32%. The study, conducted by researchers in Italy, drew plenty of attention and inspired other clinical teams to conduct similar experiments. Since then, extenders and other enhancement devices and products have become the subject of study all over the world. These studies and their findings have put a spotlight on male sexual health.
Information, Education, Communication
As news about existing products has been released, newer products have emerged in the field of male sexual enhancement. This has encouraged more and more men not only to take control of their sex lives, but to be more open with their doctors, their partners and even themselves about what they want. The ready availability of products has taken much of the embarrassment out of the process of buying a penis extender or similar item. It has also led to more honest and frank reviews about these products which, in turn, encourage manufacturers to continue to raise the bar in terms of product design, results and overall quality.
Now that more and more men are comfortable discussing their sex lives in order to improve them, they have also been more inclined to tackle related health problems with their doctor earlier. Problems with performance are now more likely to result in men booking an appointment with a health care provider which, in turn, leads them to be more likely to adopt healthier lifestyle choices and take a more active role in their overall health. It has also led men to be more open about discussing their sex lives with their partners – a line of communication that can help a relationship in and out of the bedroom.
This new generation of men who are open about what they want from their sex life and willing to put in the research and time it takes to improve it has forever changed the face of male sexual health. Now any man can research and buy a high quality penis extender, vacuum pump, performance supplement or any other male enhancement product without fear or shame. The ability to do so has led to a healthier approach to sex overall which has encouraged greater health in men and a higher likelihood to discuss their sex life – and their relationship – with their partners. The end result is a population that is better educated, more informed and more likely to simply pursue a healthier life. Finally, men have come to realize that, in life, happiness begins between the sheets.