Wanting to improve yourself is a great goal. For some self-improvement is about working out, toning their body, losing weight and increasing muscle mass. For others, it’s about
taking step to regain and rebuild their self-esteem and confidence. Many times, people need a bit of both and one direct affects the other. This is exactly the situation men face when they look into using a penis extender in order to improve the size and shape of their penis.
At one time, penis enlargement was seen as a somewhat dubious process. More often than not, men reported their efforts were all in vain. They said that the products available simply never lived up to the promises of the companies selling them or the expectations of men who used them. This resulted not only in many frustrated men, but it also gave the entire male enhancement industry a bad reputation.
All of this began to change with the advent of the internet and the growth of online sales and ways for men to exchange information. Reviews began cropping up for penis extenders, vacuum pumps, supplements, numbing gels and everything else. This not only helped guys find products worth their time and money, it also forced male enhancement companies to up their game. Suddenly, companies needed to offer the highest quality and most effective products possible if they wanted to earn the trust of new customers. Many of these companies offered a variety of products for free or at a reduced rate in exchange for honest reviews.
This practice still goes on today, though some companies take advantage of the system. Shady companies will simply offer to pay someone to write a review but they don’t require them to purchase or use the products first. They simply want a positive review in exchange for money. It’s a shameful be practice, but it does go on. This is unfortunate for a number of reasons but primarily because it can actually be harmful to men and the industry as a whole.
One way experts in the industry have noticed how these fake reviews are muddying the waters for men shopping around is that guys don’t always know that using a penis extender can result in some problematic side effects. While these side effects can be treated and mitigated during the process (after which they usually disappear completely) if they happen and a man isn’t prepared for it, he may abandon the process without achieving his goals.
One of the most common side effects is an increase in sensitivity. This increase is the result of the physical changes happening during the penis enlargement process. As the penis extender works to add inches in length, it can cause mild discomfort akin to the growing pains men often go through during puberty. Along with this comes an overall heightening of sensitivity in the entire area. Some men experience episodes of premature ejaculation during this time. For men with a history of early ejaculation, this can be especially frustrating.
But this shouldn’t turn men off from using a penis extender to achieve the size and shape they want. Side effects such as this don’t last long and there are measures men can take to ensure their enlargement process doesn’t derail their sex life.
Use Special Lubes and Condoms – There are a number of lubricants and condoms that use a desensitizing agent to help reduce stimulation.
Different Positions – Switching up position can also reduce stimulation. Doggy style is a great way to reduce stimulation without losing pleasure.
Get Creative – Forget penetrative sex completely and opt instead to please your partner by using your tongue, your hands or an array of sex toys. Go shopping together and plan a night of naughtiness together!
Using these options can easily help men stay on track with their plans for enlargement. By understanding the potential side effects associated with using a penis extender, men can have a plan and be prepared giving them a greater chance of success.