Male enhancement options are everywhere – pills, shake powders, elixirs and a variety of other products can be found everywhere from gas stations and all night drugstores to nutritional chains and niche clinics offering special male-oriented services. With more options and accessibility than ever before, it’s easy to see how many men end up buying the wrong supplements.
What’s The Harm in Supplements?
Since many male enhancement supplements are based on herbal and all-natural ingredients, too many people think that means it’s always safe. After all, what happens if you end up with too much garlic? But the truth is that too much of some herbs and vitamins can be toxic. Too much of vitamin B3, for example, can lead to nausea and an overdose of B6 can actually lead to nerve toxicity.
The other issue with some supplements is that they contain more than just herbs or specific vitamins. Some have even been found to include ingredients never mentioned on their label, making it impossible for men to truly know what they’re taking.
The Solution – You and the FDA
The solution to this problem is simple – do some research. No one expects every guy to know every ingredient for every supplement available, but checking out male enhancement reviews, informative articles and even the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website are your best steps.
First, male enhancement reviews can give you the frank and honest low down on pretty much every supplement you can find. Amazon is perhaps the most well-known hub for male enhancement reviews as they offer up reviews on every product they sell. But, of course, these reviews can be written by anyone and, in some cases, unscrupulous companies have been found to hire people to write fake reviews. So as you’re reading through reviews on different supplements, be sure to check out male enhancement reviews that aren’t affiliated with any commerce website. Check out male enhancement websites and forums to learn about what real guys think and see which supplements have strange side effects.
Articles online about common ingredients for male enhancement supplements can also be incredibly helpful when it comes to deciphering ingredient labels. While most supplements contain a long list of herbs, vitamins and natural extracts that doesn’t mean each one is easy to define. How many guys know the effects of Horny Goat Weed, Maca root or Guarna? Taking the time to understand what the most common ingredients are and how they interact with the body can go a long way in choosing the best supplement.
Finally, there is the FDA. The US government does not officially regulate herbal supplements which is why they all contain the disclaimer about their claims not being verified in small print somewhere on the box and on their websites. This is because the FDA recognizes it simply can’t test every herbal or natural supplement in the world and, to be fair, people deserve the opportunity to decide for themselves if they want to take something. What they do instead is to maintain a list of supplements which have been found to be harmful to the public. In some cases it’s that the company doesn’t list all their ingredients, in other cases it’s that the supplements are tainted. This list can be found at the FDA website and is free to access.
By doing a bit of homework and making use of the resources provided by the FDA men can research their supplements and create a DIY treatment plan for themselves. They can also avoid supplements that have been found to be harmful as well as being able to decipher the ingredients lists on others. This results in men who are well informed and better armed to create the sex life they always wanted.