There are dozens of products when it comes to male enhancement. Whatever issue you want to address, there’s a product perfectly designed to fit the bill. In some cases, it’s just a matter of using it correctly, in others it’s about using it to help you create a better, healthier body in order to achieve your goals. With so many options available it’s important to understand all of them before devising a plan for self improvement.
Options in Male Enhancement
While there are dozens – even hundreds – of individual products and services available for male enhancement, they generally fit into one of five categories:
- Surgery
- Hormones
- Medical Devices
- Pills and Supplements
- Lifestyle Changes
These five genres help men to determine how extreme they need or are willing to go in order to achieve their goals in terms of physical changes or performance support. Within each group there are a number of individual products. Some categories also focus more on services rather than tangible products while others have a mixture of both.
Surgery – Surgery includes both products and services as medical and therapeutic devices are often a part of the recovery process. Surgery is usually reserved for extreme cases since it remains a complex and highly dangerous endeavour. But for men dealing with extreme problems of size or Peyrione’s Disease surgery often offers the greatest chance for long term success.
Hormones – Hormone therapy is strictly a service based category as it relates to the increasingly popular option of testosterone therapy. This in-office therapy is available through a number of clinics though hormone injections can have serious side effects, including increased aggression, prostate growth, fluid retention and sleep apnea.
Medical Devices – Medical devices such as penis enlargers and vacuum pumps can be used on their own or in concert with surgery. These devices can offer long-term gains or short term improvement, depending on what is used. Vacuum pumps, for example, offer significant gains in terms of girth, which are short lived. Enlargers, on the other hand, result in long term gains but they take longer to deliver results.
Pills and Supplements – There are a variety of natural and pharmaceutical options for men who want to increase their libido, improve their sperm quality, increase stamina or prevent and treat premature ejaculation. In terms of pharmaceuticals, this often involves off label use of anti-depressants to treat premature ejaculation. For herbal options, the options are staggering. As nutritionists and researchers gain a better understanding of herbs, vitamins and minerals, there is a growing body of products designed to address any issue you can encounter.
Lifestyle – Finally there are products which help men achieve long lasting lifestyle changes in order to improve their physical health and sexual performance. Diet and exercise play a crucial role in the category so products and services come together to provide books, DVDs and CDs in order to educate men about the best way to improve their health. In many cases these are used alongside natural supplements and services such as personal training.
Making the Right Choice … or Choices
With so many options, it’s easy to see why many men feel a bit overwhelmed when they first begin to investigate their options. This is where reading male enhancement reviews can be so helpful The men who write male enhancement reviews have often already tried just about everything and their experience can help you develop your own blueprint for improvement. By combing through male enhancement reviews and posts on message boards and other online forums, you can easily find products that are worth your time and effort while, at the same time, getting advice, support and insight from other men who have been there.
When you’re ready to change your life, the male enhancement industry can offer everything you need. By using your resources wisely, you can find the best products, services and information to help develop a plan for improvement that will work for you and which will be easier to stick with. And when you break it down, that’s the recipe for results you can count on.