The world of male enhancement covers a wide range of products but each shares a common vision – to improve the “Sexual Happiness” of men all over the world. Guys turn to male enhancement reviews
to find products to improve their sex drive, boost their performance and, of course, increase the size of their penis. With everything male enhancement products can do, it usually comes as no surprise that the most commonly discussed products are those relating to penis size.
Since products for penis growth garner the most attention, the assumption is that in order for men to have the “Sexual Happiness” they’ve always wanted, they need to up their game in terms of size. Even guys tend to go along with this without giving it too much thought. After all, we live in a culture where bigger is almost always associated with being better. But the truth isn’t quite that clear cut. In fact, a growing number of studies show that size isn’t the only thing that matters and, in many cases, it isn’t even the most important.
The study of human sexuality has always been a popular area for research. Over the years, researchers have looked into everything from how many times a woman can achieve orgasm to how differently men and women view pornographic materials. The fact of the matter is that researchers – and the public – will likely never tire of new ways to examine, look at, measure and interpret every aspect of human sexuality.
Within the study of human sexuality, sexual happiness, studies and scholarly articles about penis size make up a considerable amount of the available works. A quick online search for articles on penis size yields more than 150,000 results. So it’s fair to say the penis – specifically its size and how men and women react to it – has been pretty well studied. But still, there are always new studies about size that shed new light on the experience of human sexuality.
A recent study that came out of the University of California Los Angeles and the University of New Mexico approached the issue of size and came away with a finding that had nothing to do with measurements. Researchers asked more than 4,000 guys about their sense of “genital satisfaction” by using a scale called the Index of Male Genital Image (IMGI).
The IMGI was introduced in 2013 by a team of researchers from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. According to the researchers, it was established as a way to give a set standard for studies involving penis size. They described the problem and their solution by pointing out that current methods to measure penis size were “limited in scope, not well validated and are based on homogeneous populations. We evaluated the reliability and validity of a comprehensive scale that would be useful in clinical settings and as a research outcome.”
The overall scale is connected to a Male Genital Image questionnaire. This questionnaire sets out a number of specific question which doctors can use to determine a man’s penis size and how he perceives his size. While this at first may seem to be two ways of saying the same thing, it really isn’t. Just like some people are trim and see themselves as fat, body dysmorphia can affect men in the same way when it comes to penis size.
Using this scale, the researchers in California were able to get a true and clear idea of how the men in their study truly measured up as well as how it affected them and their lives. That was where the stunning results were found.
When the team began to look at the actual sex lives of these men they discovered something very interesting. Men who reported feeling the most comfortable with the size of their penis were much more likely to have had sex recently than those who didn’t feel as comfortable about their size. In the article they eventually published to the peer reviewed Archives of Sexual Behaviour, the team wrote “Men who were dissatisfied with their genitals were less likely to report being sexually active (73.5%) than those who were satisfied (86.3%).” That’s more than a 10% difference between the two camps. When they dug down for specifics they found “Penetrative vaginal sex (85.2 vs. 89.5%) and receptive oral intercourse (61.0 vs. 66.2%) were reported less by dissatisfied men.”
This finding is important because it indicates that sexual happiness and self-confidence may be a more important and powerful area of male enhancement than even penis enlargement. Since enlargement has traditionally been seen as one of the foundation issues featured in male enhancement reviews, this could send shock waves through the industry as a whole. It could easily spawn the development of male enhancement products that finally take the focus off the physical and begin to invest in technique, creativity and maximising natural skill and talent.