Improving sexual performance usually means taking a number of different steps. While some men may focus on toning their body and building stamina through exercise, addressing physical issues doesn’t cover everything. Improving your technique, experimenting with different positions and getting down to the nitty-gritty with some ancient wisdom should all be a part of any effort to enhance your sex life.
How A New Position May Give You Length
Plenty of men have used a penis extender to help give them a bit of extra length or girth. These devices can help improve performance and boost a man’s sexual self-esteem, but results can take time. Working any sort of enlargement device can also result in ‘growing pains’ much like what men experience during puberty. Although this is completely normal, it can interfere with regular sexual activities. This is an ideal time to begin experimenting with different techniques and positions which can help to keep your love life on the right track and enhance it while you’re working on gaining inches.
Achieving the deepest thrust possible is as much about positioning as it is actual length. Generally speaking, positions featuring rear entry offer the greatest ability for deep thrusting as well as putting men in prime position to stimulate their partner’s G-spot. This alone can help men to boost their performance as it provides a deeper and more intense orgasm for their partner. These kinds of positions offer a feeling of greater length, even while waiting for results from routines with a penis extender.
For those who prefer face to pace positions, a modified version of the missionary position can also provide easy G-spot access as well as enhance deeper thrusting power. While in the missionary position have your partner simply raise her legs. Hold onto her ankles or let her drape her legs on your shoulders. You get an excellent view and the tilted position of her pelvis gives you amazing thrusting ability.
Making the most of What You Have Now and Later
The best thing about experimenting with new positions is that you’ll keep the spice in your sex life and you’ll be able to find which positions work best while using a penis extender as well as which will be best once you achieve the length you want. It can also help to encourage your partner to become more vocal about what she wants and more aggressive about pursuing it. Keeping your wife or girlfriend guessing about what you’ll try next is an incredible turn on for women. Women are notably more cerebral when it comes to sexual stimulation and engaging her brain is a sure fire way to keep her sexual appetite heightened.
Every position has its benefits and there’s no reason why you should ever let things get stale. Sex manuals and advice on techniques and natural enhancement date back thousands of years. The Kama Sutra is perhaps the most well known sex manual in the world and it was written between 400 and 200 BC. Don’t let its age fool you, however, the positions and advice in this book will have you burning up the sheets. Many of the positions are advanced and may seem impossible at first, but keep an open mind. Even if you and your partner don’t manage to pull off the Suspended Congress, engaging in this type of sexual play increases the emotional bond between you and keeps sex fun and exciting.
Improving sexual performance often requires taking several different steps toward that single goal. Improving technique can help as can investing in penis extender and enlargement devices. Including improvements to your technique can help you find comfortable positions as you undergo the enlargement process with a penis extender as well as letting you try new positions that will work better with your added length or girth. Getting experimental also engages your partner more actively and creates a fun and exciting atmosphere around sex – one that will keep her wondering what’s next and begging for more.