If you’re looking for a natural way to increase the size of your penis, there are two types of products you can buy. You can choose between a penis extender and a penis pump. Which
one you’ll go for will depend on the results you want to accomplish, as well as how lasting you want the effects to be. In both cases, it’s best to go for a reputable brand-name model and avoid shady, generic devices. The latter tend to cost less, but it’s always better to pay more than to risk causing serious damage to your manhood.
What Are They and How Do They Work?
A penis extender is a small device that you strap to the glands and base of your penis and wear it underneath your clothes. It uses a traction force – which you can adjust based on your preferences and needs – to stretch your penis over an extended period of time. As the tissue stretches, new cells are formed, resulting in increased length and girth of your penis.
Penis pumps are somewhat similar to a penis extender, the only difference being that you can choose between an air-based and a water-based one. Your penis is placed in a tube where pressure is applied to stretch the tissue and blood vessels, thus increasing the blood flow in this region. You only have to use them for up to 20 minutes each day, so there’s no need to wear them under your clothes.
The Use and the Effects
The primary goal of using a penis extender is to achieve increase in the length of your penis. The device is worn for between one and eight hours every day over a period of three to six months. Several extensive studies have shown that the size increase gained by wearing a penis extender is permanent as opposed to many other methods whose results disappear as soon as you stop using them. These devices are also known to help with the symptoms of the Peyronie disease and correct penis curvatures.
On the other hand, penis pumps are used as traction devices, as well as to help people suffering from erectile dysfunction. Utilizing the vacuum pressure to push the penis size to stretch and expand, it can give you momentary erection that will last for a few hours, until the effects start to wear off.
In order to achieve more lasting size gains, the pump should be used regularly for a few months. There’s still no scientific proof that penis pumps can permanently increase the size of your penis, but they’re known to add a few tenths of an inch to the girth of your penis with prolonged use.
Both devices are to be used according to instructions and recommendations included in the packaging. Excessive use won’t accelerate the growth process and can put your penis in a serious danger. If the pressure is too high or if you wear them longer than recommended, it can lead to ruptures of blood vessels and, in case of air-based penis pumps, even erectile dysfunction. Both water pumps and a penis extender are fairly risk-free as long as you use them responsibly as instructed.
Other Factors to Consider
When faced with a choice of multiple items, their price is often the determining factor in our final purchasing choices. Penis pumps tend to cost less than penis stretching devices, which might instantly make them more appealing. But when deciding which option to go for, it’s important to consider the effects each of them provides and how they correspond with your needs.
Those unhappy with the girth of their penis will get the desired results using a penis pump. If that’s your choice, it’s best to go water pump, as the use of water eliminates the risks and side effects that may come about as a consequence of using air-based pumps. On the other hand, if you want to permanently increase the size of your penis, penis extender is the only way to go. Both devices demand a lot of patience, but once you accomplish your goal, you’ll be rewarded for your hard work and perseverance.