If you ask a lot of men what they’re doing to increase the size of their penis, a number of them will say that they’re taking male enhancement pills. They’ll go on to tell you about how the promotional material for these pills say that they will make them larger and give them more stamina, plus many other benefits. While some of these benefits are certainly true, it’s also scientifically proven that taking male enhancement pills will not make you larger.
To truly gain length, you need to use a penis extender.
Why do some people believe penis pills increase the size of your penis? They do give the illusion of making your erection larger. This is because they increase the flow of blood to the penis, allowing the tissues there to absorb more blood. This makes your erection a bit larger and harder than normal. However, this isn’t new length—most men don’t get the maximum amount of blood flow to the penis, so their erection is never quite as large or as hard as it could be. The pills are just helping you reach your maximum potential, not adding anything you didn’t already have.
Why take male enhancement pills then? They can increase your libido, help you overcome erectile dysfunction, and give you more energy. However, if you want to permanently add length, you’ve got to use a penis extender. This all-natural method works with your body, convincing it to create new cells in the shaft of the penis. These new cells add up to permanent length. Unlike pills, you can stop using the penis extender whenever you want, and you won’t lose any of your progress.