Total Penis Health (TPH), one of the most trusted websites offering unbiased reviews of male enhancement products, has rated Rizer XL as the number one male enhancement pill for 2012. Second and third-place ratings were awarded to VigRX and Male Extra, respectively.
The Total Penis Health ratings were based on a long list of criteria with a heavy emphasis on a given product’s ability to effectively treat premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, male libido issues, and more. Ratings also compared ingredients, how quickly each reviewed product acted, retail price, and product guarantees.
TPH reviewers were quick to point out the fact that the creators of Rizer XL have not been content to sit on past achievements. They are constantly reviewing and developing their formula in order to make sure it’s the best a man can get; even if that means making changes to individual ingredients or the formula as a whole. The review went on to say that the product is made in the United States in a GMP certified environment.
“Rizer XL male enhancement is one of the very few supplements that have gone through formulation changes,” notes the Total Penis Health review. “These changes were tweaks over several years to enhance and refine the supplement demonstrating an evolutionary product that, like a fine wine, only gets better with age.”
Rizer XL scored a full 10 percentage points above second-place VigRX and 14 points better than Male Extra. Among the 16 categories rated by TPH, Rizer XL received a perfect score in all but three. Less-than-perfect ratings were noted for the product’s performance in treating erectile dysfunction and increasing ejaculate amount.
Despite not receiving a perfect mark in three categories, Rizer XL still managed an overall score of 96 out of 100. Such a strong rating indicates the product lives up to claims made by its manufacturer. It’s important to note that Rizer XL comes from the same company responsible for the world’s number one penis extender device, the Quick Extender Pro. Used together, it appears both products can be useful for men suffering from a variety of penis-related performance issues.
About Total Penis Health
As a product review website, Total Penis Health takes very seriously its responsibility to the millions of men who visit their site yearly. Those behind the site are committed to providing only raw, unbiased, and unedited information regarding male enhancement products, including enlargement devices and oral supplements. Material for the site is contributed by a panel of independent experts as well as the TPH staff. For more information about the site, please direct inquiries through the following link http://www.totalpenishealth.com/