Of all the male enhancement products out there, male enhancement lotion is often pushed into the background. More people take pills or use products like penis extenders, so some men don’t know much about how these lotions work or if they’re even useful.
Male enhancement lotions are applied directly to the penis before sex. These lotions assist the man in getting an erection, and they help make his erection harder, too. How? Lotions basically work the same as pills and patches do. They contain different natural herbs and supplements that increase the flow of blood to the penis. Most men don’t actually get the maximum amount of blood to the penis during arousal, so their erections aren’t quite as large or as hard as they could be. By dilating the blood vessels in the penis and increasing circulation, more blood can be absorbed by the penile tissues.
Lotions, however, actually have two advantages over pills and patches. First, it works a little more quickly because it’s applied directly to the penis—you don’t have to wait for a pill to be absorbed by the body. Also, you can use the lotion only when you want to have sex. You don’t have to take the pill every day. Another major benefit is that male enhancement lotions are safe for men with heart conditions, while pills and patches many not be.
But here’s the major drawback—just like with pills and patches, these lotions don’t actually increase the size of your penis. They just help you reach your maximum size. If you really want to have a larger erection, you need to use a penis extender. This handy little device is all natural, too—it works by convincing your body to add more cells to the shaft of your penis. It does this by making small, painless, invisible tears in the shaft. The body fills these tears in with new cells, which results in new length. This length is permanent too, so once you reach your goal, you’re free to stop using the device. Click here to learn more about penis extenders.