Men who want to increase the size of their penis often check out penile extender reviews for certain models or types of enlargement devices. Generally speaking, men use a traction device for long term gains in lengths and vacuum pumps when they want a significant – but temporary – boost in girth. While penile extender reviews for these products are easy to find, few discuss a growing trend in enlargement – poly-therapy.
Poly-Therapy and Sexual Health
Simply put, ploy-therapy refers to any multiple forms of therapy which are used to address an issue or condition. This approach is commonly used when it comes to problems such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Typically, a man uses mediations in order to deal with the immediate problem and also another form of therapy to deal with the underlying issue. The way of treating the problem offers greater versatility and better results since men experience improvement right away which helps to keep up their motivation when it comes to long-term treatment options.
Although common in the treatment of sexual performance issues, poly-therapy remains a new idea in the world of penis enlargement. Many men have found that using a pump before and after a session with a penis extender has helped to boost results and makes using the device much easier. Others say using both at the same time can lead to problems. So who’s right?
Pumps, Extenders and the Health of Your Penis
A vacuum pump draws blood into the penis, boosting its size by increasing girth. The devices are popular with men who suffer from erectile dysfunction and have been popular since their introduction more than 100 years ago. Penis extenders, on the other hand, use traction to help increase length slowly, over time. Since these devices work in completely different ways, it’s easy to understand why some men are sceptical about using them together.
Having said that, many websites and message boards are full of men who have written penile extender reviews that include tips on using a pump in order to make enlargement easier. These men claim that using the pump before a traction-based enlargement device helps prevent slippage and makes the extender easier to attach to their penis. They also say that using the vacuum pump again after their enlargement session helps with recovery since, once again, it encourages greater circulation to the area.
Generally speaking, there’s nothing wrong with this kind of poly-therapy when it comes to penis enlargement, but men still need to proceed with caution. The biggest reason why effective traction devices work is that they use a relatively small amount of pressure (tension) over a long period of time. This gradual approach prevents injury to the tissues of the penis. Adding the use of a vacuum pump speeds the process up and demands more from the tissues of the penis which can increase the chances for injury.
The solution is to meet somewhere in the middle. For men who have a hard time attaching their enlargement device, using a pump clearly offers some benefit. Using it twice within the same session, so to speak, could create a problem so experts suggest increasing circulation to the area in a less aggressive manner. Wrapping their penis and the surrounding area with a warm, slightly damp cloth will encourage better circulation after their enlargement session and also helps to relax the tissues. A short massage will also aid in recovery without needing to use a vacuum pump. This more gentle approach to improving blood flow accomplishes the same thing as a vacuum pump but without concerns about injury.