With more and more people understanding how important shopping around is, reviews for every product under the sun have become increasingly popular. There are written, photographic
and video reviews for almost anything you can think of. Video reviewers show how effective one dish soap is when compared to another, other reviewers use blogs to detail their experience with new supplements or use photographs to show stunning before and after images as they use certain paints or cleaners.
The use of imagery, text and video in reviews are especially popular for men who write male enhancement and penis extender reviews. These reviewers use their own experiences to help other men learn about products that can address a multitude of issues. In some cases one form of review style is better suited than another. For reviewers building a reputation for themselves, knowing which format or style to use can be a huge help.
Video Reviews
Many penis extender reviews include a video since this is a great way to demonstrate how to use a penis extension device. Although devices are designed to be easy to use that doesn’t mean they’re simple right from the start. Being able to see exactly how to position and adjust the device gives men the ideal way to learn how to use a device they have or evaluate how usable a device is before they buy one.
Using video in penis extender reviews is also a popular method for showing everything that comes with a device. In many cases, reviewers will record themselves opening the delivery box when it arrives. These kinds of videos, often referred to as ‘unpacking’ videos, are fast becoming one of the most popular forms of reviews. Being able to see a product being unpacked from the box is as close to the real shopping experience as you can get online. As a result, they are popping up more and more in reviews for a variety of male enhancement products, including penis extenders.
Photographic Reviews
Videos do a great job of showing something in progress, but if you want to illustrate change powerfully, photographs are definitely the way to go. Some men opt for tracking and showing progression through video shots but, honestly, a side by side photo comparison has much more impact. This option is great for men writing penis extender reviews who want to show the overall growth once they are done with the entire process. As a result, many men choose not to add photographs until later which means going back and updating earlier reviews.
Written reviews are still the most popular for a number of reasons. First, they allow men to keep their anonymity more easily and they also convey more emotion and a more personal feel. Some men choose to keep a blog, or online diary, detailing their experiences as they try different male enhancement supplements or enlargement devices. This approach gives them more room to detail every part of the process – from their initial misgiving, impressions and challenges all the way through to their eventual success or, in some cases, the moment they determine their efforts are better spent elsewhere.
While each review format has its benefits, it’s all about finding something you can be comfortable with. In many cases, men choose to incorporate some or all of these approaches into a single review so that their readers can have all the information possible. Whatever you decide, ensure any male enhancement or penis extender reviews you write are honest, straight-forward and, above all, written from the heart.